Monday, 30 June 2008

Corduroy Thinking

The Rich List has been published for Towns in the UK. Top of the list is Beaconsfield in Leafy Buckinghamshire (again).  It and several others are on the outer commuter reach from London of course. Other factors come into the list however with a vague association with Royalty bringing in Ascot, Windsor et al. South Wales has an entry at number 38 with Cowbridge.

Other themes are interesting. The Times comments that towns in the New Forest in Hampshire are where the needs and desires of pony mad daughters bring City Brokers while still allowing access to London in 75minutes.
Others come in because of some association or other with a couple of towns in Cheshire playing host to northern football fortunes and entertainment stars with northern accents. Something crosses all the contenders however. They all are described with High Streets having proper fishmongers and proper butchers. The phrase ‘old fashioned’  is used more than once and a ‘pre war gentility’ catches the same thought flavour.

Hearteningly it appears that those indefinable instincts of Britishness are alive and well and still valued. The marching global giants should take note. Bulldozing the bulldog is not appreciated. Quirky villageness is. See the television programme Dad’s Army for suitable clues and hints.

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