Friday, 18 April 2008


According to the latest statistics the modern county of Monmouthshire has the best quality of life in Wales, the healthiest life styles and life expectancy and were the best paid of any rural communities in Wales. Corroborative statistics include 76% of houses were owner occupied, 96% were centrally heated, altogether larger and with an average value of £229034. The number of empty houses were the least in Wales.
The highest employment rate in Wales of 77.9%, highest average earnings at £580 pw (£30160 pa) the driest and third sunniest area were also features.

The problem with most of this is that these are averages. It is quite false to suppose that most people in Monnmouthshire earn £30k per year. Some do; some earn more; and some earn a lot more. There are also a lot of people earning less and some of those a lot less. Those people will be struggling harder than places elsewhere with a lower expectancy of living standard. 

So should all the poor people get on their bike, so to speak, and ship off to some ghetto somewhere so they can be catered for on a cheaper basis?  Of course not. The more you think about it all the more ethical considerations you become aware of. Possibly there are more opportunities for an entrepreneurial spirit in the area.

For the National Assembly to support the county with far less money than elsewhere has always been a subject for query and discussion. The grant system for businesses across South Wales is in some disarray with pockets of money here and there and managed percentages available for certain industries in certain areas some of the time. One wonders how much this is all down to the influences of percentage thinking, with a shallow regard for the detail.

Even when there was money commonly available across South Wales it could still be said most businesses were ineligible for most grants most of the time. Bob Shepherd Associates have experience of grant funding and have the practical knowledge to avoid the pit falls. Talk to us about business grants in your area and about raising funds generally. Whether you are an expanding Corporate or a new start one man band the resources you need, including money, need to be balanced and adequate. Failure to realise this will send your business boat careering down the white water rapids.

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