4N's extra session called Make it Happen Monday is designed to make small business stop think and focus on improvement. It's a clever idea and when well organised does a lot of good. So having been to one of these workshops, you have come away with a basket of ideas to address.
Well Good, that is what it is for. This Monday's Cardiff MHM was an interesting case. Last time we had one in Cardiff nearly everyone stood up to say the things they were having trouble with were the money aspects of business.
Things like Cash Flow, Pricing, bookkeeping and banks all figured strongly. The previous MHM to that had an emphasis on Marketing and Social Media. Many wanted to know more about Twitter LinkedIn and Facebook and how to use them to advantage in business.
This last MHM on Monday had an emphasis on Time Management, organising, short term business planning and general effectiveness.
As a lecturer and practising consultant in building businesses and sorting out finance for people I would have previously stated that taking small business as a whole you could reckon on 40% having issues with money, 30% having Marketing issues and another 30% having admin and time worries.
It could be that all businesses have all of these worries in some measure and when one or two express them out loud the rest find their focus swings towards that. It could be that for some reasons of networking cohesion, like minded businesses have gathered together with their friends to come along to MHM.
It could also be that the seasons change and there is some sort of annual cycle going on that leans towards certain problems at certain times of the year.
It could also be that I specialise too much in this stuff and I should get out more. Safe to say most businesses have their issues. The sooner you can address them by improving, outsourcing or concentrating on getting the mix right the better will your business be.
You're absolutely right Bob, the great thing about MIHM is that the experts are always democratically voted, and whilst I was surprised you weren't voted this time, I imagine you will be fairly regularly along the way, as financial planning is something most of us struggle with.
ReplyDeleteThe great thing about you is you have so many string to your bow that you can help in so many ways. Thank you once again for coming, and I would love it of you could come to the next one.
H xxx