Whatever the flavour, size, style or type of business
you have there are some common features - some common characteristics. This is the secret behind how I can contribute to a business. I do not actually need to know the technical and finer points of the business to know what needs some attention, needs a fix or needs some development.
For example all businesses need to communicate with the outside world in an attractive and constructively encouraging way. The methods for doing that may have differences in detail and sophistication and will have a different focus on one channel over another, but still the principle is there.
For another example all businesses need people, as staff, customers, service providers and representatives. In a small business the responsibility for these aspects devolves on to one or two people perhaps, but the principle is still sound. A small one man band has complete responsibility for all forms of representation which covers everything he/she does and every action taken. On a simple basis if you are rude and impatient with everyone you meet you are less likely to make a success of attracting customers.
Exactly the same applies to big businesses who have dozens, hundreds, thousands of staff. The difference in the detail is that although the immediate responsibility is devolved to the one person dealing with the customer at that moment over the phone, or in that email, or in person, or in recounting some story in the pub about 'work' over the weekend, there are others in the chain of controls and in the team network who are affected by association and who also have the same responsibilities. There are probably controls in the form of line managers, reports and appraisals and all manner of monitoring devices. It can get complicated.
I read something recently that came to the wonderful conclusion that a happy staff would perform better and benefit the business. How this comes to be a revelation is a sad refection of the state of business and the level of management understanding that exists today.
Bob Shepherd Associates looks at the components of business and ensures they are both working and in proportion. If and when everything can be made to knit together properly the business can develop happily and successfully. Simple, yet complicated!
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