Sunday, 31 August 2008

New Associations

Bob Shepherd Associates has a number of business interests . These include a partnership in Creative Enterprise Consulting (see ) a share in a digital Art image market exchange called InyourI that is due for launch shortly and a share in an Air Conditioning company currently constructing a Franchise to push the Blue Mountain Air Conditioning business elsewhere in the UK. We have expertise for franchises INWARDS, which is for potential Investors and OUTWARDS which is for aspiring Companies wishing to develop a franchise.  Don’t struggle! Ask us!

Now Bob Shepherd Associates has a major share in Aggregator SME Ltd which has been formed to offer valuable packages of services to SMEs.  Initially we will have a package based on the yet to be  launched ‘Breeze in Business’ corporate offering that has some remarkable additions to the business individual’s version.
The most valuable will be a regular panel of serious business experts offering consultancy on-line on a regular basis to field queries from members and on email at other times. This is included at no cost. There is also a new Telecoms deal that has industry best price arrangements.  The outstanding Video Conferencing system uses advanced technology to cope with any technical disparities at either end, is completely flexible for portable use and  has a 10 seater room included.

The Video Training package is included here for nothing saving several hundred on the public price and the fast growing Resource Centre has all the geeky material one would ever need. The Web builder is designed for dummies to be able to build credible web sites yet is completely flexible and sophisticated enough to please IT professionals who can save time by using one of 180 templates for the basics before adding what they want.  With all this comes a Concierge Travel service that has special offers on line as well. There are other technical products to add to your business including Tracking for adverts and auto responders.

The B2B portal is a global networking site which has a shop/ecommerce capability using similar technology to Amazon. And other features.

This, and more is available together on a three year subscription for less than the price of a coffee a day, which is staggering value.

Sort out your Life, sort out your Business!!

Aggregator SME is currently looking for Businesses that can add value to what’s on offer.  Plans are under way to add really useful services that SMEs just don’t have the time and expertise to organise for themselves.

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